Ministry Team
Wattle Park does not have a formal ministry arrangement and services are prepared and delivered by church members.
"There are a great many who have no visible memorial in this church, people who have given of their time and strength during the years. Their labours, their steadfastness in all things honourable and good, their love for the House of God, their faithfulness to their duties these and others of the fine qualities they possessed will not be forgotten down the generations. We thank God for remembrance of them.
All those who laid the foundations for the cause of Methodism have passed on. They sowed the seeds for righteousness in the hearts of those who followed." We may be sure of this.
We may be sure also that that church at One Tree Hill, Wattle Park, is ready to face other centuries, so well have its people preserved its fabric and what it stands for. Without doubt it will remain the symbol of stability - with an unassuming dignity - that it has always been.
Beryl Southwell